"Everyone is very, very frustrated about why we haven't been able to bring this well to stop flowing so far," said Doug Suttles (upper left), chief operating officer of BP PLC, but he insisted the oil giant has the

Millions of gallons of oil have already spewed from the well that blew out after a drilling rig exploded April 20 off the Louisiana coast.
Suttles said it will be at least Wednesday before BP will try using heavy

"Our goal, of course, is to succeed," Curry said. "We want this as much as anyone and our best chance of success is looking like Wednesday morning."
Several officials from President Barack Obama's administration led a

"We are going to stay on this and stay on BP until this gets done and it gets done the right way," said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.
Engineers are working on several backup plans in case the top kill doesn't work. Suttles said they will likely try to cap the well with a small

BP said Monday its costs for the spill had grown to about $760 million, including containment efforts, drilling a relief well to stop the leak permanently, grants to Gulf states for their response costs, and payment of damage claims. BP said it's too early to calculate other potential costs and liabilities.
At least 6 million gallons of crude have spewed into the Gulf, according to a Coast Guard and BP estimate of how much is coming out, though some scientists say they believe the spill has already surpassed the 11 million-gallon 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill off Alaska as the worst in U.S.

A federal task force of scientists is now working to try to get a better idea how much oil is gushing from the well, and it could release data this week. (Right: Governor Bobby Jindall surveying damage)
A mile-long tube operating for about a week has siphoned off more than

The spill's impact on shore now stretches across 150 miles, from Dauphin Island, Ala. to Grand Isle, La.
With oil pushing at least 12 miles into marshes in his state and two major pelican rookeries coated in crude, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said crews

"This oil threatens not only our coast and our wetlands, this oil fundamentally threatens our way of life in southeastern Louisiana," he said at Monday's press conference.
On Barataria Bay, some brown pelicans coated in oil could do little more

The birds got spooked when wildlife officials tried to rescue one, and officials were not sure they would try again.
Pelicans are especially vulnerable to oil because they dive into the water to feed. They could eat tainted fish and feed it to their young, or they could die of hypothermia or drown if their feathers become soaked in oil. The birds were removed from the federal endangered species list just six months ago.
Oil has also reached a 1,150-acre oyster ground leased by Belle Chasse, La., fisherman Dave Cvitanovich. He said cleanup crews were

"Those will die in the oil," Cvitanovich said. "It's inevitable."
Officials said last week that 264 birds, sea turtles and dolphins had been found dead or stranded on shore that may have been affected by the spill, though Roger Helm, chief of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's contaminants

Helm said the biggest reason for the relatively low death toll from the Gulf spill is that until recently, most of the oil remained far out to sea. (Right: heron in marshland)
"But if the oil does really start fouling up the marshes, you can expect the

Meanwhile, BP was still using a contentious chemical dispersant Monday to fight the oil, despite orders from federal regulators to use

"If we can find an alternative that is less toxic and available, we will switch to that product," he said. "To date, we've struggled to find an alternative either that had less risk to the environment or that was readily available."
The EPA raised concerns on Thursday about the dispersant at issue,

Online webcam of spill:
Source:Google News, "BP exec acknowledges public frustration over spill", accessed May 25, 2010
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