Thursday, June 3, 2010

Green River Utah Structural Geology 3D Visualization

Spændende blanding af ny tog gammelt, af analog og digital, af virkeligheder ... En udvidelse af den kendte verden ind i en ny dimmension ...

Mixing new and old, mixing analogue and digital, mixing realities ... Extending the known world into a new dimension ...


The geological maps seen in these visualizations are constructed using data from a publication titled "Geologic Map 180" created by the Utah Geological Survey, a division of the Utah Department of Natural Resources (we have obtained permission from the UGS to use this publication as a basis for our visualization). The maps are authored by Hellmut H. Doelling of the Utah Geological Survey in the year 2001. The elevation surface of the region is modeled from the National Elevation Dataset using 10m spaced data points and Landsat natural color mosaics are applied as surface textures in the non-geographic overlay version of the animation.

Our visualization begins with a north-up overhead view of an area of Utah between Green River and Moab. The La Sal mountains are in the lower right portion of the viewpoint. Both Landsat satellite imagery and geological interpretive maps are overlaid onto a flat surface, which will later become three dimensional. As the camera moves into position near the South East corner of the working area, the geologic cross sections will be extruded to true height above sea level, reaching vertically out of the flat terrain surface.

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