The Army Corps of Engineers has mounted a multi million-dollar effort to keep voracious Bighead and Silver Carp that now infest the Mississippi River Basin out of the Great Lakes, where scientists predict they could decimate the lakes' $7 billion fishery.

"The current barrier operating parameters are effective for fish as small as 5.4 inches in length," the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said in a news release.
"The research published in this report suggests that slightly higher operating parameters than those currently in use may

Juvenile carp can swim 37 miles by the time they reach 6 inches in length.
Environmentalists and several state governments have fought to create a permanent ecological separation between the Mississippi River basin and the Great Lakes.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, other federal agencies and Chicago-area governments have joined commercial shippers, sightseeing

For now, officials say smaller, juvenile carp are well downstream from the three electrical barriers (right: how electric barriers work) on the canal that links the river system to the Great Lakes, so the two-volt current laid down by the barriers will be maintained.
The best estimate of a potentially reproducible population of Bighead carp is 25 miles downstream from the barriers,

Lock and dam structures have impeded the carp's progress, Wooley said, and agency crews will be vigilant during the summer spawning season to kill carp in the pools between dams.
A U.S. study to be completed this spring will determine the impact on barges and barge operators if the voltage in the barriers is raised to 2.3

Army Corps Major General John Peabody stressed that the voltage impact on the juvenile carp was measured in a laboratory, and "needs to be validated" in the field.
Reuters,"Great Lakes barrier may be too weak to stop carp", by Andrew Stern , accessed March 25, 2011
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