Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Polar bears develop new tactics to protect their cubs from the chill

While the idea of global warming may be far from the thoughts of Britons at the moment, it is being blamed for changing the behavior of polar bears.

They have been spotted carrying their cubs on their backs while they swim through icy waters. The phenomenon, which is thought to be new, was discovered while researchers tagged and tracked the animals.

It is understood to be the result of the bears having to swim longer distances because of reductions in the Arctic ice in the summer.

Conservationists from the WWF charity say that traveling on the mother’s back could be vital for the survival of the cubs in waters surrounding scattered ice, which is prime seal-hunting territory for the animals.

The phenomenon, revealed while tagging and tracking polar bears, is thought to be new and the result of the bears having to swim longer distances in the sea because of reductions in the Arctic ice in the summer.

The scientists say that in the face of the longer swims, traveling on the mother's back could be vital for the survival of the cubs in waters surrounding scattered ice, which is prime seal-hunting territory for the

Traveling on the mother's back will mean the cub's body will be in direct contact with the adult's fur and a large part of the baby will be out of the icy water - reducing heat loss.

This is important because the young polar bears have not built up a sufficient layer of fat to stop them getting cold if they are swimming in the sea for a prolonged period of time.

The data from the WWF-Canon polar bear tracker program, which has been running since 2007 in the Arctic, indicate that tagged bears in Alaska have swum around 350 to 400 miles in the past four years.

Radio collars, which can only be fitted on the females as the males' necks are wider than their heads so the collars slide straight off, send signals via satellites monitoring the bears' movements to track their
behavior and help determine how they are affected by climate change.

Polar bears, the largest land predators in the world, are excellent swimmers but they hunt and breed on top of the sea ice, which in the Arctic has been in decline in recent years.

Geoff York, polar bear specialist from conservation charity WWF, said: 'As the Arctic ice continues to melt, it is likely that polar bears are increasingly going to have to swim longer distances.

'Data from tagged bears near Alaska has indicated swims of 350-400 miles in the past four years and if polar bear cubs are forced to cover these distances, then it is vital for them to behave in a way that minimizes heat loss. This reported behavior, and anything else that helps cub survival in those circumstances, is good news.'

But having to swim longer distances is dangerous for bears that are in poor condition or are caught in poor weather.

London Daily Mail Online, "Swim in the Arctic? I'm hitching a lift: Polar bears develop new tactics to protect their cubs from the chill... and it's all down to global warming", accessed December 1, 2010

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