Monday, November 1, 2010

Flamingos apply oils to look pinker

Flamingos make themselves look more colorful in the wild by adding their own natural makeup, researchers have suggested.

Enhancing the signature pink in their feathers might help the birds select their mates and therefore give them a better choice of nest sites, say scientists.

The idea that a "pretty flamingo", in the words of the much covered 1960s Manfred Mann song, uses cosmetics to help form a monogamous sexual partnership comes in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

The researchers studied greater flamingos gathering for group displays in the wetlands of southern Spain and saw that many applied reddish-orange pigments, called carotenoids, from glands near the base of their tails to their
plumage, as well as tidying their feathers.

They rubbed cheeks against the preen glands and then transferred the oils that were secreted on to their nest, breast and back feathers. The more colorful birds started breeding earlier.

The most colorful birds were those seen reapplying the pigment most often, but breeding birds lost their
plumage color. The team, led by experts at the DoƱana biological station in Spain, suggest this might be because the carotenoids perform physiological roles in the birds' bodies – for example in egg yolk in females and in secretions added to food for chicks.

The paper adds that flamingos with more colored plumage started laying earlier. This might add to the survival chances of their offspring because their parents had gained control of the best breeding sites.

"The presence of carotenoids in preen oils has been previously only suggested, and here we confirm for the first time its presence in such
oils," say the authors.

"Given that cosmetic coloration may be related to individual quality, our findings may have important implications for the theories of sexual selection and signaling, highlighting the key role of the manipulation of plumage color by the birds themselves to improve signal efficiency."

The Guardian, "Flamingos apply oils to look pinker", accessed October 31, 2010

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