Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Google Model Your Town Competition

Noget for din indre bygge mand bob?

We built this city ...


What makes your town an incredible place to live?
Show your civic pride (and maybe win a prize) by creating a 3D portrait of your community and sharing it with the world. You have the power to get your town on the map – and there's no bigger map than Google Earth.
See what other towns have done (Google Earth file)

The Google Model Your Town Competition is open to people from all over the world.
All you have to do is build 3D models of the buildings in your community. Model whichever structures you think are necessary to show the planet what's special about your town.

Be recognized by your community for doing something great.
Having a 3D model of your town in Google Earth helps residents and visitors understand it in a way that flat maps and photographs can't. You can be a local hero by making a contribution to your town's future.

Getting started is easy.
You can enter on your own or recruit up to five of your fellow citizens to help you form a team, and the software tools you need are free.
Get started today


Read more: http://sketchup.google.com/competitions/modelyourtown/index.html

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